New Valley University
Faculty of Education
Department of Curriculum, Instruction
& Education Technology
Department of Curriculum, Instruction
& Education Technology
A Suggested E- program Based on Connectivism for
Developing EFL Majors' Interpretation Skills and
Decreasing Their Speaking Anxiety
برنامج الكتروني مقترح قائم على النظرية الترابطية لتحسين مهارات الترجمة
الفىرية لدارسي اللغة االنجليزية كلغة اجنبية وخفض قلق التحدث لديهم
A proposal Submitted for registering forthe PhD Degree in
Education (Curriculum & Instruction)
Prepared by
Bahaa Soliman Ali Hussien
Supervised by
Dr. AbduAllah Mahmoud Ismail Dr. Mohamed Ali Kassim
Professor of Curriculum & Associate Prof .of Curriculum
Instruction (EFL) & Instruction (EFL)
Faculty of Education, Faculty of Education ,
Sohag University New Valley University
إرسال تعليق